Monday, January 24, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Big Steps

On his 13 month birthday Cameron decided it was finally time to start walking! He is taking a few steps at a time, but none have made it onto the video camera yet, soon!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good Bye Formula!

Cameron & Paige are definitely growing up. We are now going through THREE gallons of milk per week!! Mommy & Daddy don't mind a bit...$9 compared to $60+ is a steal! Cameron is standing on his own more & more, & he loves cruising around with his push walker. Paige is running, enough said! Cameron has lots of babbles, but our favorite is "good, good, good." Paige has 2 very distinct words, "boo" (peek-a-boo is her favorite) & "go" (I'm sure she means to her favorite place, Target). They are learning to share, but don't like it one bit!