1. I knew it was coming and it happened. Paige climbed out of the crib...well, not her crib, Cam's crib. They were in there playing (their choice), and she climbed out to get some animals that fell out...and I pretended that it never happened!
2. Did I mention that she can also climb into her high chair be herself? Beast!
3. Cam has been teething pretty bad lately. He is getting his 4 canine (fangs?) teeth at the same time, FINALLY!
4. I feel that the fangs explain why he has been awake (and not pleasant at this inconvenient time of night) for 3-4 hours in the middle of the night. Mommy & Daddy don't think this is cool!
5. I spent 3.5 hours last night prepping for today's meal, and I didn't even actually cook anything!
6. I hate cooking. There, I said it.
7. I have prepped stuffing, green bean casserole, caramel apple sweet potato something, whole wheat rolls, stuffing stuffed mushrooms, cranberry sauce, gravy,
streusel pear tart, & the BIRD!
8. My house is Oh So Clean! Mike even got in on the cleaning yesterday. He is the best wall scrubber I know!
9. The tree goes up tomorrow...
Question: What to cage in with "baby jail" the TV or tree?
Answer: The tree because the TV is still under warranty!
10. Our neighbors have had their Christmas lights & tree up & turned on since November 1st...I feel so behind...NOT!
11. I have been driving Mike nuts listing to Christmas music. Sadly, even though it is officially time for Christmas music, Mike will still hate it. Grinch.
12. I really would like to hit the stores on Friday, but the double stroller is a problem on the busiest shopping day of the year.
13. Most of my thoughts today (& other days) may seem like complaints. There are no complaints in the
Seyler house! We are beyond thankful for our friends, health & family.
Happy Thanksgiving from mine to yours!
C&P One Year Ago Today...