13 Random Thoughts/Updates
1. Paige hates when she sees us cut her food. She forces me to hide while I cut her food.
2. Cam is obsessed with circles. Like, carries them around all day obsessed.
3. In August we figured out that Paige has acid reflux. It was 5 months of her throwing up 3-5 times a week before she started taking liquid gold! My washer was getting quite the workout!!
4. Toddlers do not like getting their teeth brushed, at all.
5. Cam thinks that running in place is called jumping. Hmmm...
6. C&P sleep for 11.5 glorious hours every night (in their own rooms) and take 1 nap a day. They are ROCKSTARS!
7. Their new favorite vegetables to eat are carrots. Mom approved!
8. Cam is really from Boston because he says things like "caa" & ""paak" (car & park)
9. C&P are very good at telling you what they don't want (saying "No" & throwing things), but they can't tell you what they do want (saying "yes", pointing, ect).
10. We don't own a cat! Poor Milo was sent to live with his Aunt Michelle & Uncle Marc. He has a new step-brother named Kanu, and word on the street is that they were spooning within a week! Did you know that Mike is/and has been allergic to cats forever?
11. Sippy cups can be weapons.
12. We are not just surviving, but thriving! Mike & I have a good hold of this whole twin thing, but please no more babies! (Note: There is a deal that if Mike wins the lotto #3 will be on it's way {or #3 & #4}, but I'm not a lotto believer!) They fly out two at a time, no thank you.
13. C&P will be TWO in 3 months, THREE MONTHS!!
Photo Note: As a Teacher of the Visually Impaired, I encouraged this hands-on tactile "fun" ...and the bath tub was all ready to go.