Monday, February 20, 2012


I love firsts! On Sunday afternoon we took C&P to their first movie! Skipping ahead, they had a blast! We went to see this movie....

Here is the play by play...

  • I wanted to go to the 10 am showing, but someone else (I'll give you a hint, he sleeps next to me) wanted to go to the afternoon showing at 2:40.

  • It was packed when we arrived promptly at 2:40 (too early & we would risk them getting antsy). How was this movie packed? I've never even heard of it! Ok, truth is I was mad and just wanted to see Beauty & the Beast, but it ended last week.

  • We planned to not share their age with staff...I am not paying $12 for "first timers," I'm just not! No one even asked, nice!

  • We got our tickets, popcorn, & Dad got a massive orange Coke. While he was paying I headed into the theater with C&P. This was almost a distaster. We walked alllll the way up to the back where I spotted one of theose nice family seating areas, and of course some people had their coats saving! We walked all the way back down (still alone) and found seats in the 3rd row (Can you say chiropractor?). I'm sure the crowd was rolling their eyes at "the poor girls with twins, she must be so tired."

  • Mike eventually joined us and the previews started. This is where it gets great...THEY WERE IN HEAVEN! I thought they would be scared, but they were naturals. Eating popcorn and eyes glued to the screen.

  • Of course the disney logo popped up & Cam yelled "Toy Story!" Almost...

  • Speeding ahead, they were doing great, then the popcorn ran out, and then the Skittles. Now came the chatting...

  • The last 15-20 minutes we lost them. Cam wanted down, then was babbling about some guy in a hat. Paige wanted to kick the seat filled with a cute old man. A little walk in the lobby followed by a 2nd attempt in the theater & we were out of there! Did I mention that Mike really wanted to take them to the movies by himself on Saturday when I was at the mall? Have that man committed!

All in all, they were great! We almost made it to the end, & that's about 1 hour longer than I thought they would make it! I think if it was a Pixar movie we would have been in business (think Toy Story, Monsters Inc.c ect). They are not big into "cartoons." It was another adventure that shows us how fast they are growing up!

We will go back (to the 10 am showing) and see this...

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