Friday, December 30, 2011

What's Potty Training?

The Seyler house is a a flutter with the thought of potty training! Miss Paige has decided that she would like to pee on the potty now, which is fine by me!,...$$$$$, get my drift? On Monday she said "pee in the potty" & off we went, & she did! She was SO proud of herself, & so was I...I may have shed a tear. Cameron?...Hahaha, NO...not ready! We are not in full-on potty training with Paige, but I have gathered all necessary supplies

1. M&Ms...I am not above bribery.
2. Marshmallows...we need options.
3. Pull-Ups...too bad they don't sell Mickey ones.
4. Flushable wipes..for obvious reasons.
5. Hand sanitizer...because even after you wash their hands, they still manage to touch EVERYTHING!
5. * A 2nd pink!
Fisher-Price Precious Planet Potty
* I have quickly learned that if you have multiples, & are starting to potty train, you NEED TWO potties! I know this from observation...& by observation I mean observing Cameron physically try to push & pull Paige off the potty...while she was going!

Once I for a plan & get Grandma on board with the same plan, I think we might be in business! Pray for me.

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